Common Cause Illinois is excited to present

Short nonpartisan videos of all kinds that promote democracy and voting. Create and post with hashtag:


Jin • gle

1. An earworm!
2. A short, catchy little tune!
3. A happy little song to carry in your heart for the day!

Create a Jingle
or you could also
volunteer to protect the vote
or you can do both!


Make it fun and nonpartisan.
It can be simple or slick.
Post it on your FaceBook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube …
and add hashtag #JinglesForDemocracy

Inspiring people to vote through the power of song

We want to redirect all the chatter, worry, chaos, and vitriol, and funnel it into little welcoming nonpartisan works of art, to color the world with one simple unifying message and call to action …

“Vote for Democracy”

When you share or create Jingles for Democracy you are entering an area of nonpartisan messaging that is very much underserved. The word “democracy” has meant so much all our lives, we know what it really means, and it conjures a powerful nostalgia that can reach hearts and open doors.

More Examples

Don’t Drop the Ball
View on YouTube and click share

Jingles for Democracy can:

Encourage people to vote! Celebrate our shared humanity
Unify Americans across party lines
Create excitement for civic participation
Paint inspirational visions for the future